Integrative Bodywork - the Art of Healing
We invite you to experience a sacred ritual of touch based therapy which includes the holistic methods of the ancient ways and an intuition for healing and balancing of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It allows the physical and energetic body to flush out, transform and revitalise. It simply keeps the tissues loose, fluids move, energy flow, emotions process, nerves and mind calm.
Although this ritual includes a body and energy work, it is a most importantly a mind set deeply rooted in love prayer and intention, reflecting the grace of living and breathing 'aloha'. It opens our hearts, encompasses releasing and forgiving, and brings the body, heart, mind and spirit into alignment. It re-connects us with the source and with our true selves, bringing us to the place of remembering who we really are and what we seek.
Cabana - Sweat Lodge Ritual
For those who are seeking of a deep purification and re-alignment, we highly recommend to commune with the medicine of Cabana. This is an invitation to enter the womb of the Great Mother, our source, the centre of creation and destruction, to purify and bless our bodies: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual.
This Sacred Lodge supports us in cleansing our memories from contamination, releasing what is blocking us, re-programming ourselves. She helps us to reclaim our original imprints and to remember our origin, to touch our essences, so we can fully incarnate in this life on Earth taking our place, manifesting our souls' dreams and purposes.
This is an ancient ritual where we are tapping into the ancestral wisdom of our grandparents; the human ones and the elemental : the earth, the water, the fire, the air.
Cabana is also referred to as Grandmother Spider, who works on the web of healing, weaving the threads of our destiny, symbolises the web of life. She is very generous to those who are open to receiving and going through the portal of possibilities that she opens for us in our bodies, hearts, minds and souls.