ReSource: Essential Elements of Movement Medicine

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RE-SOURCE: Essential Elements of Movement Medicine®

6 Month Intensive Course

11 January - 12 July 2025/ Bi-monthly Saturdays

with Keef Wesolowski-Miles @ Dance Blast Abergavenny NP75UD


Movement Medicine® is a body based movement meditation practice that will reconnect you to the wisdom of living from the heart, the joy of knowing who you are and the satisfaction of making your unique contribution to life. During this 6 month programme you will have the opportunity to address what is calling for attention in your life - in your body-heart-mind and your past-present future. It will deepen your connection to yourself, your creativity and the integrity and guidance of your own soul.

This  course offers a unique opportunity to study deeply with Senior Movement Medicine Teacher and Somatic Soul Guide Keef Wesolowski-Miles within the safe and intimate container of a small community of cohorts who share a common purpose - living a fulfilling and creative life empowered with integrity, passion, purpose, patience and the poetry of presence. You will be guided to develop and embody your own personal somatic movement practice based on the fundamental principles and core practices of Movement Medicine.

In addition to cultivating your own personal Movement Medicine practice as a soul resource for everyday living, you will be invited to do plenty of self- reflection, wholeness resourcing practices, explore 'deepening' invitations and wander in nature frequently. You will have fine company by your side as you remember, resource and enliven the magnificent and unique creative being you were born to be.

“The ReSource group container that I've been a part of for the last 6 months has been simply incredible! It’s been so great to connect with a beautiful community of like minded souls to dance my socks off once a week! I was incredibly astounded how I could explore my inner emotional landscapes through the dance and throughout the time have moved through several powerful Movement Medicine systems and approaches, each with its own unique flavour, realisations, insights and healing. I cannot recommend this container or any other group containers held by Keef enough - Experience deep healing & have tons of fun in the process - what’s not to love?!” Jess Falmer, Coach

What does it involve and what will I learn from this journey?

  • Study the core practices of Movement Medicine with a senior Movement Medicine teacher and Somatic Soul Guide
  • Community: learn to embrace personal freedom and collective unity
  • Practice: movement is the medicine 
  • Awakening the Wild Dancer develop and strengthen your embodied medicine circle  
  • Awakening The Heart - cultivate soul power, self love, fierce and tender compassion
  • Learn transformative empowerment tools for personal and collective evolution
  • Integrity - deepen your capacity to shapeshift from reactivity to response ability
  • Cultivating Wholeness - learn to breath, expand and embrace your whole being
  • Elements: harness the elements for power, protection and inspiration 
  • Relationship: dimensions of awareness. Everything is a relationship.
  • Creative Freedom: utilise the dancing body as a channel of creativity 
  • Shaman: awaken your inner healer with archetypal allies and guides
  • Awakening: sensitivity, sensuality, presence and vital aliveness
  • Ceremony: intention, incantation, dedication, prayer, devotion and sacred offering
  • E-motion - surrender to energy in motion and learn to feel what needs to be felt

" Yes, yes, yes deep overflowing gratitude and fulfilment for this work, I am realising, in both senses, how much power there is available through the practices and holding on this course. Very happy to be part of it. " Ben Bont, Cymru

Course Structure

12 bi-monthly (twice a month) Saturday ReSOURCE Sessions. 17.30-22.00

17.30-19.00 focused closed group: Core Movement Medicine Teachings

19.30-22.00 Space to Dance Community: Space to practice in an open space 

Dates: Module 1: January -11, 25 ; February- 8, 22; March- 8, 22; Module 2: April -12, 26; May-10, 24, June-14, 28

These sessions are a combination Movement Medicine practice and teachings regarding the conceptual frameworks, practices and processes of this ReSOURCE programme. This will include at least 90 mins of actual Movement Medicine practice. Both the teachings and practices will evolve and expand, built on a simple foundation of core essentials. The beauty of this programme is that following each intensive lesson there will be a chance to deepen your personal practice with what you have been discovering in the spacious safety of an evolving community of dancers in the 2.5 hour Space To Dance.

Monthly - Online Community Sharing Circles - Saturday 16.00-17.30 

Dates: Feb 2nd, March 1st, April 5th, May 3rd, June 7th, July 5th 

To Dance a little and to have an embodied heart sharing about your journey and Resource yourself with the medicine of Community. Optional 

Sharing, witnessing and feedback. A primary ReSOURCE and arguably the most potent medicine is community. In these monthly circles, we will have the opportunity to share our process, to be witnessed and to witness each other. The invitation is always - What is asking to be felt? What is asking to be expressed? What is asking to die and what is asking to be born?

The material you bring is whatever is emergent, whatever is hot. It may explicitly relate to the practices and processes we are exploring together or it may have a wider lens regarding what is alive for you in your life. These sessions will be book ended with 2 x 30 minute Movement Journeys.

1 Integration Ceremony - 4 hours

RETURN TO THE SOURCE - 21 Golden Soul Portals. 12.00-16.00

Date: July 12th Venue TBC

This will be a deep dive into the Movement Medicine Mandala. An opportunity to weave together all the ReSOURCE tools whilst exploring the territory of your life from different perspectives. Ultimately, the intention is empowerment, responsibility and the harvesting of the fruits of our journey together. This will be followed by an opportunity to CELEBRATE YOUR GRADUATION at Space To Dance in Abergavenny for the final session before the summer break.

Peer Support Group and Personal Study Invitations

- ReSource WhatsApp. Ongoing sharing support and inspiration where everyone will be encouraged to offer words, voice drops, share challenges, victories, track commitments that you want accountability for and much more. These groups are as alive and vital as the energy each of us contribute. It's a place for the community to ReSOURCE and for you to ReSOURCE the community. 

- Study Invitations. I will invite self reflection and self-practice opportunities; sometimes for the whole group and sometimes more personalised. 

1-1 Mentoring Session. In person or online - Optional at additional cost. Please ask.

This course is essentially an extrapolation of phase one of the mentoring programme I have been offering individuals for the last few years. There are many blessings to sharing this journey in community - affordability, good company, peer support and inspiration, the power of witnessing and being witnessed - and inevitably it is not possible to be quite so precise and personalised. 

To bridge the space between the Mentoring work and this group format, I am offering these 1-1 sessions at a reduced price to participants of this course so you can really dive deep into the intimate specifics of your personal journey. Please get in touch if you would like to further resource yourself in this way. 

One 90 min session - £90. 3 sessions - £255. 6 sessions - £495. 13 sessions £995

For more information about my full mentoring programme - please get in touch.

For more information about my full mentoring programme:

Course Content

Week One 

Core Practices 1:  Awakening The Wild Dancer, Tree of Life, Yin-Yang, M.E.S.A Practice - Movement Energetics of Spatial Awareness

Week Two

Core Practices 2: Awakening The Wild Dancer, Tree of Life, Yin-Yang, M.E.S.A Practice - Movement Energetics of Spatial Awareness

Week Three 

Elements of Movement - Earth

Week Four 

Elements of Movement - Fire

Week Five 

Elements of Movement - Water

Week Six 

Elements of Movement - Air and Ether/Space

Weeks Seven

The Human Heart - Empowerment and Response-Ability

Weeks Eight

The Human Heart - Raw emotion, energy in motion

Week Nine

Part 1: Dimensions of Relational Awareness: Self, Other, Community, Spirit / Imaginal, Great Spirit / Source

Week Ten

Part 2: Dimensions of Relational Awareness: Self, Other, Community, Spirit / Imaginal, Great Spirit / Source

Week Eleven

Dancing Archetypes - Strengthening your Medicine Circle

Week Twelve

The Arc of Time and The Journey of Response Ability

Week Thirteen

Integration Ceremony - Return to the Source- 21 Golden Soul Portals - 4 hours

The stage is set for our final wild ride around the Movement Medicine Mandala. Buckle up as we go on a 3 hour odyssey from Great Mystery though the 21 Golden Soul Portals and finally Return to the Source. Followed by a graduation celebration at Space to Dance for the last dance before the summer break

You should now be thoroughly prepared for the more advanced courses on the Movement Medicine path : How the light gets in - Systemic Essential Energy Retrieval , Phoenix R-evolution, Initiation, Apprenticeship.

Please ask to be informed

"This was the first online course in which I've experienced very profound moments through dance. I had the pleasure of being with others who had similar depths of experience. For me it was a genuine sense of community creating safety along with potent teachings from Keef that created an aliveness that I had previously only known through in-person immersions.
Initially I underestimated the efficiency and effectiveness of movement medicine, soon humility to my Ego was gifted through the simplicity and grace of healing through guided movement and music. Thank You Keef and All the 2023-2024 Re-Source Crew!" Edward Thompson, Musician and Movement Coach

21 Portals of the Movement Medicine® Mandala

“Movement Medicine is shamanic medicine for our times. It gives us direct, embodied experience of the dance of life that’s going on inside us and all around us. As a species, we face enormous challenges right now that we see as arising from the story of separation; separation between body and spirit, between individuals and nations, between the human world and the web of life we are part of and depend upon. Simply put, Movement Medicine reconnects us, deepening our capacity for empathy and compassionate being and action.
Since prehistory, dance, song and ritual-making have played an important role in the human community. Movement Medicine is a contemporary expression of this inheritance. It marries ancient and modern wisdom, and supports you to experience the transformative power of your own potential in a co-creative community.” Susannah and Ya'acov Darling Kahn, Co-Founders of The School of Movement Medicine

The symbol of the Movement Medicine® Mandala contains all the teachings that make up Movement Medicine. Each of its 21 gateways is an invitation to engage with a different aspect of life in the most creative way possible. Each Gateway opens up an important aspect of life's journey. As your practice deepens, the mandala becomes more and more useful, both as a reminder of where you are, and as a measure of your evolution. The ancient Greek symbol of the Phoenix sits at the centre of the mandala.

During ReSOURCE - Essential Elements we will touch on each of these gateways and we will dance the territory of the map in our final ceremony together. The Phoenix is explored in depth in the Awakening The Wild Movement Medicine Intensive - ‘Phoenix rEVOLTION’.

Soul Investment

One payment upfront - £555

Payment Plans available offered on enquiry

Bursaries available on application (limited number available)

*Bursaries are for students, those on benefits or who are experiencing financial hardship in some way. We have a limited number of bursaries available for each training that are offered at our discretion.

" Youwww! This was my very first experience such as this, and it was spectacular! Deeply profound, provocative and powerful. I accessed parts of my being that I have been unable to touch in the last 30 years of conventional talking therapy...the space felt extremely safe and sacred at all times, enabling me to open up and welcome in whatever feelings, both physical and emotional, arose in me. This feels like deeply important, life - changing work and I will return again. " James
Group Events

Man - Groove online

Experience the inspirational benefits of weekly sharing circles with a committed group of mutually supportive men focused on embodied, heart centred and soul centric living, whilst developing a personal Movement Medicine practice as a profound resource for physical and mental health and wellbeing. Designed to be accessible to all men, regardless of experience or background. This is an invitation to journey deeply together, to work, play and pray together.

Men Only

Movement Medicine



Sharing Circles

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Nurturing Massage for Women

Relax - Nurture - Harmonise. These sessions are specifically designed for women, who recognise their need to restore balance to the body's energy system and to receive a deep nourishment, nurturing attention and caring presence.


Women Only

In-Person Event

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ReSource: Essential Elements of Movement Medicine

Movement Medicine® is a body based movement meditation practice that will reconnect you to the wisdom of living from the heart, the joy of knowing who you are and the satisfaction of making your unique contribution to life. During this 6 month intensive course you will have the opportunity to address what is calling for attention in your life - in your body-heart-mind and your past-present future. It will deepen your connection to yourself, your creativity and the integrity and guidance of your own soul. Wholeness is the invocation, healing is the outcome.


Men and Women

Movement Medicine

Sharing Circles


In-Person Event

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Honey Pot -discovery package

4 online TASTER WORKSHOPS and 4 FREE DISCOVERY TALKS . HONEY POT is a 'discovery package' that gives you 'access all areas' at a significantly reduced price.


Men and Women


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Space to Dance - Abergavenny 22th Feb

Eclectic music, partly guided, sober space to dance, connect and awaken the wild dancer in you. Liberating structures designed for freedom and unity.


In-Person Event

Men and Women

Twice a month

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Dancing Poet: Performance, Talk and Dance

Dancing Poet is an opportunity to bathe in the medicine of Keef's poetry and to hear performances from his forthcoming anthology - A Way With Words. It also serves as an introduction to the basic practices of this evolving body of work The Way of The Dancing Poet, which is also a forthcoming book. The Way of the Dancing Poet has been designed to support, inspire and elicit the awakening of your inner poet / artist.



Movement Medicine

Men and Women



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Daughters of the Moon Cabana- Sweat Lodge for Women

The central part of Daughters of the Moon offerings is Cabana- Purification Lodge for Women, where we cleanse and bless our womb spaces, portals of life and the energetic centres of our bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.


In-Person Event

Sweat Lodge

Women Only

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Man-Groove: Embodied Heart Medicine Online - taster event

ManGROOVE is a heart-centred embodied sharing circle and Movement Medicine practice for Men.



Men Only


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Power of Three

Discovery call and introducion to Whole Soul Mentoring and The Power of Three, 1-1 or small groups of 3




Men and Women



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PHOENIX -rEvolution -FREE discovery call

“The Phoenix is an invitation to rise from the ashes of your suffering and evolve a new story that brings dignity to who you are and strengthens your love for and therefore, action on behalf of, the web of life.” Ya’Acov Darling Khan. FREE online discovery call , Talk and Q&A with Keef about his Phoenix ONLINE programme approach.




Men and Women


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WILD HEART: Embodied Heart Medicine - taster event

Wild Heart is a heart-centred embodied sharing circle and Movement Medicine practice for closed, mixed groups - ONLINE


Men and Women

Movement Medicine

Sharing Circles



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Medicine Quest -Free discovery call

The purpose of this DISCOVERY CALL is to meet the guides and to have a Q&A with Keef and Rebecca to discover what is involved in this deep immersion into nature and your own nature. MEDICINE QUEST: A Movement Medicine and Vision Quest Ceremony, guided by Rebecca Card & Keef Wesolowski-Miles, 20th - 30th August 2025- Dartmoor, England ,UK



Men and Women



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Dancing with Death. Burial Ceremony- FREE discovery call

The purpose of this DISCOVERY CALL is to meet the guides and to have a Q&A with Keef and Aluna to discover what is involved in this profound ceremonial immersionDANCING WITH DEATH: Burial Ceremony, Movement Medicine, Cabana Sweat Lodge and more. Guided by Aluna & Keef Wesolowscy-Miles, 3rd-7th September, Wales, UK




Men and Women


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Man- Groove: Long Weekend Immersion

Shamanic Immersion for Men


Men Only

In-Person Event



Movement Medicine

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Full of Seeds- foundational immersion

This is foundational level immersion into The Way of the Dancing Poet.



Men and Women

In-Person Event

Movement Medicine

Sweat Lodge

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Medicine Quest -Free discovery call 2

The purpose of this DISCOVERY CALL is to meet the guides and to have a Q&A with Keef and Rebecca to discover what is involved in this deep immersion into nature and your own nature. MEDICINE QUEST: A Movement Medicine and Vision Quest Ceremony, guided by Rebecca Card & Keef Wesolowski-Miles, 20th - 30th August 2025- Dartmoor, England ,UK



Men and Women



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Medicine Quest: Movement Medicine and Vision Quest Ceremony

In this 11 day ceremony you will experience a deep dive into the underworld through dance and movement, as well as other preparatory and integrating practices with the land and the other-than-humans. This, we hope, will serve as a catalyst for the shift in consciousness needed for the human-to-earth awakening. It will provide a space to travel to the depths of yourself and has the potential for something more authentic and unique to be unearthed through 4 days and nights in ceremony with the land and Mystery.




Men and Women

Movement Medicine


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Dancing With Death

Dancing with Death is an opportunity for recapitulation, a chance to revisit and clean up our personal history, which includes the stories of many generations of our linages back in time. It is the process of reclaiming energy that is locked up in those past events and interactions. It is opportunity to find peace, acceptance, forgiveness; to take responsibility and offer apology, gratitude and prayers for all beings everywhere. Ultimately it is an invitation to fully say YES to this one precious life and an invocation of Death specifically as an ally, a benevolent friend.


In-Person Event

Movement Medicine

Sweat Lodge

Men and Women


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