Man - Groove online

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Sharing Circles and Movement Medicine® for Men

Heart centred, Embodied, Soul-centric Community.

Small, ongoing Closed Groups, Weekly Sessions.

Get in touch about current spaces and dates, times and more info and to arrange a free introductory call with Keef

Basic Structure

  • Weekly Evening Zoom calls 2.5 hours with a maximum of 12 men
  • 30 minutes of Movement Medicine practice together, in the comfort of your own home.
  • 2 hour sharing circle -  a theme is always invited as this provides focus and rich material for exploration. However, the most important opportunity is to share from your heart whatever is live for you on any given day and this may or may not speak directly to the proposed them of the evening.
    • Lightning Round. Every man has a brief check in about how they are arriving in the circle. Authentic truth is invited. No sugar counted shit.
    • Heart Seat. Assuming there are 12 men in a circle - Week One - 6 Men have 15 mins in THE HEART SEAT, Week Two - 6 Men have 15 mins in THE HEART SEAT. This then alternates with some flexibility if any man is facing significant challenges on any given week and needs to lean into the group a little more. All men will have the opportunity for a deep share at least twice a month.
    • Holding/ Witnessing Circle. There are clear guidelines around the structure, protocols and values of the ‘HOLDING CIRCE’ - the circle of men witnessing and offering insight, feedback and support to the man in THE HEART SEAT. This is shared with all men who join the circle. It is not rigid or dogmatic, but creates safety, respect, integrity and liberating structure. Base line, we are not here to ‘rescue’ each other or give unsolicited advice, but to respect the path of each man and offer our presence and sensitive responsiveness to whatever is shared.
    • Top card take aways. Closing round of ‘top card takeaways’ and ‘accountable commitments’. This is an opportunity, similar to the opening lightning round where we can share how we are leaving the circle and to name the insights, medicine, challenges and curiosities that we are taking away with us. It is also an opportunity to share any intentions we have to take the next steps on path and if appropriate to ask for support, encouragement and accountability.
  • Buddying - each week we will connect with one other man for at least 30 minutes in the week between group calls. To dive a little deeper in to getting to know each other and to offer/receive support
  • WhatsappGroup - we have a lively group where the circle can share inspirations, breakthroughs, challenges, successes and so on, in the spirit of the circle in written messages and voice or video drops. This provides the lifeblood of the group

This is a safe space to develop a community of humans in male bodies that are looking for liberating structures and practices for accessing and developing their innate capacity to listen to and engage with the full somatic spectrum of how it is to be a living breathing human in a male body: to feel what is asking to be felt through the multiple ‘ways of knowing’ - movement, breath, sensation, sensuality, sexuality, sound, feelings, emotions and imagination and to express what is asking to be expressed through the moving body and embodied listening and expression. As such, this is an opportunity to discover a little more about the blockages in our psyches that limit our capacity to fully live a meaning filled life and to build bridges between the dreams, desires and aspirations we have for our lives and the embodiment, incarnation or ‘lived experience’ of those dreams.

These sessions are for those seeking to take more responsibility for their personal healing journey in the various dimensions of their life and to access more of their golden gifts of wholeness in their personal experience as a body-heart-mind in relationship with others, community, nature, spirit and soul. They are also about resource, safety, inclusion, belonging and connectedness. Witnessing, sharing and ‘power beside’ are golden keys.

“I’ve been a part of a men's group facilitated by Keef over the last 6 months or so. It has been an utterly beautiful experience throughout and has been highly conducive to my healing process. I’ve never been in such a loving & warm environment with a group of men before. I feel a sense of true brotherhood from a group of souls who truly do care deeply about one another. To feel what has emerged and bloomed within myself as a result of being involved has been quite simply amazing. I’ve been able to overcome many aspects of self that I've deemed shameful through opening to vulnerable sharing within the group and being held in everything that I've brought without judgement, only compassion and love. Keef holds the space amazingly and offers frequent pearls of valuable insight to all of us as well as us all sharing with the other members from a place of support and love. I can highly recommend it to any man who is looking to grow and develop themselves in the container of brotherhood!” Jess Falmer, Coach

Intention and Core Values

  • MOVING MEN - moving with whatever is arising in our psyche, our soma and lives in general can lead to healing, wholeness, evolution and creative solutions to life’s challenges and opportunities. By listening deeply to what needs to be felt, what needs to be expressed, what is calling for change, evolution and creative exploration we can move away from our conditioned reactivity towards a deeper sense of healthy responsibility - the ability to respond creatively to whatever life is presenting to us. Our intention is to move and be moved - physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and relationally.

  • A SAFE HARBOUR - is needed, and is co-created though organic leadership and collective care and attention. A place of refuge and mutual support, confidentiality, inclusivity, nourishment and encouragement where we feel safe, valued, seen, heard, honoured and respected. Where our presence is felt and our contribution is invited and celebrated. This happens in the context of an evolving community of embodied, heart centred men who are inspired to live lives of meaning, purpose, reciprocity, creativity, integrity, response-ability, health, balance and fulfilment. WITNESSING and being witnessing, authentic  sharing from the heart and ‘power beside’ are golden keys.

  • EMBODIMENT RESOURCING - happens through explorations of and inclusion of all aspects of our being human - physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and relationally. In Man-Groove circles this is built on the fundamental resourcing of essential Movement Medicine® practices and through clear structure, heart sharing and embodied witnessing and listening. Together we develop our innate capacity to listen to and engage with the full somatic spectrum of how it is to be a living breathing human in a male body, whilst looking into the potent mirrors of a circle of brothers. 

  • RECOGNITION that ‘No man is an island or a world unto himself’.

  •  RECONNECTION as a circle of men, in a place of safety, inclusivity, non-judgement and ‘power beside’

  • COMMUNITY - Healing comes through community, connection, co-operation,  collaboration, communication,  creativity and cultivating wholeness.

  • BALANCE - We seek a healthy balance - between ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’, between the rational and the mystical, between inner and outer worlds, physical and spiritual worlds, between our personal and professional worlds and between our courage and vulnerability.

  • ALL LIFE IS SACRED - We recognise that all of life is sacred and we strive to make choices in our thoughts, words and actions that honour our children, our elders, our ancestors and all of life.

"Through the last 18 months or so that I have been part of Keef’s Men’s Circle, learning such simple, profound and challenging human skills in listening and sharing with other Men.
Amongst much change in my life that was overwhelming for my own perspective, I came to realise that through participating and leaning into the circle I could access a creative variety of perspectives and solutions, along with tuning into humility of offering my heart and mind with deepening intimacy and honesty in a way that could be of service and showing me the power of being besides others.
The gifts that have been cultivated in the circle are growing in my community life, though naturally challenging to apply, the potency of change within myself and the brothers, has offered more than enough to gradually bring deep change into my own life outside of the circle and those I am connected to. Thank you so much Keef for supporting me during some very tender moments during my journey into remembering my nature as a whole hearted human."
Edward Thompson, Musician and Movement Coach

Movement Medicine® as a primary resource 

Explore the benefits of developing a Movement Medicine® practice as an embodiment resource for wholesome living with a strong circle designed to to be accessible to all men, regardless of experience or background. This is an invitation to journey deeply together, to work, play and pray together.

Every session is built on the fundamental resourcing of essential Movement Medicine® practices. This provides the rooted rhythm of regularity and repetition. The evolution and flow, or melody, of each session will be woven around a theme based on the Movement Medicine® mandala.

This is a safe space to develop a community of humans in male bodies that are looking for liberating structures and practices for accessing and developing their innate capacity to listen to and engage with the full somatic spectrum of how it is to be a living breathing human in a male body: to feel what is asking to be felt through the multiple ‘ways of knowing’ - movement, breath, sensation, sensuality, sexuality, sound, feelings, emotions and imagination and to express what is asking to be expressed through the moving body and embodied listening and expression. As such, this is an opportunity to discover a little more about the blockages in our psyches that limit our capacity to fully live a meaning filled life and to build bridges between the dreams, desires and aspirations we have for our lives and the embodiment, incarnation or ‘lived experience’ of those dreams.

There are countless well documented benefits that can be harvested from regular movement/dance practices that can have profound positive impacts on our physical resilience, psycho-emotional health, spiritual well being and social belongingness.

There are countless well documented benefits that can be harvested from regular movement/dance practices that can have profound positive impacts on our physical resilience, psycho-emotional health, spiritual well being and social belongingness. Evidence shows that this is true for all humans regardless of age, gender, race and so on. There is a time to dance alone, there is time to dance in mixed groups and there is a time for men to meet together with other men and, of course, for women to meet with other women. Man-Groove is an invocation for MOVING MEN - physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and relationally.

Explore the benefits of developing a Movement Medicine® practice as an embodiment resource for wholesome living with a strong circle designed to to be accessible to all men, regardless of experience or background. This is an invitation to journey deeply together, to work, play and pray together.

In conclusion

These circles are for those seeking to take more responsibility for their personal healing journey in the various dimensions of their life and to access more of their golden gifts of wholeness in their personal experience as a body-heart-mind in relationship with others, community, nature, spirit and soul. They are also about resource, safety, inclusion, belonging and connectedness. 

“Keef’s a master of guiding these dances, helping me and my fellow dancers edge into the minutiae and the cosmic. I absolutely love these moments, and it’s one of the few things I have zero doubts about consistently showing up to!”  John Wiltshire 35, Ecological Communications, UK

Ongoing closed groups. Weekly Sessions. Get in touch about current spaces, days, times, more info and to arrange a FREE INTRODUCTORY CALL with Keef

As a group leader and guide, I bring 25 years of experience from multiple modalities. To support emergent soul-centric maturity and full spectrum engagement with life, I bring my ongoing experience as an evolving human being and student of life, wife and daughter.

I provide intuitive support, creative inspiration, resilience resourcing, fierce compassion, humour, integrity, kindness and commitment. I have been teaching as a fully qualified Movement Medicine® teacher for over a decade and I am an initiate on the path of the Great Mother and the Four Elements as guided by shaman XamAM Alba Maria - Terra Mirim, Bahia, Brazil.

" Youwww! This was my very first experience such as this, and it was spectacular! Deeply profound, provocative and powerful. I accessed parts of my being that I have been unable to touch in the last 30 years of conventional talking therapy...the space felt extremely safe and sacred at all times, enabling me to open up and welcome in whatever feelings, both physical and emotional, arose in me. This feels like deeply important, life - changing work and I will return again. " James
Group Events

Man - Groove online

Experience the inspirational benefits of weekly sharing circles with a committed group of mutually supportive men focused on embodied, heart centred and soul centric living, whilst developing a personal Movement Medicine practice as a profound resource for physical and mental health and wellbeing. Designed to be accessible to all men, regardless of experience or background. This is an invitation to journey deeply together, to work, play and pray together.

Men Only

Movement Medicine



Sharing Circles

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Nurturing Massage for Women

Relax - Nurture - Harmonise. These sessions are specifically designed for women, who recognise their need to restore balance to the body's energy system and to receive a deep nourishment, nurturing attention and caring presence.


Women Only

In-Person Event

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ReSource: Essential Elements of Movement Medicine

Movement Medicine® is a body based movement meditation practice that will reconnect you to the wisdom of living from the heart, the joy of knowing who you are and the satisfaction of making your unique contribution to life. During this 6 month intensive course you will have the opportunity to address what is calling for attention in your life - in your body-heart-mind and your past-present future. It will deepen your connection to yourself, your creativity and the integrity and guidance of your own soul. Wholeness is the invocation, healing is the outcome.


Men and Women

Movement Medicine

Sharing Circles


In-Person Event

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Honey Pot -discovery package

4 online TASTER WORKSHOPS and 4 FREE DISCOVERY TALKS . HONEY POT is a 'discovery package' that gives you 'access all areas' at a significantly reduced price.


Men and Women


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Space to Dance - Abergavenny 22th Feb

Eclectic music, partly guided, sober space to dance, connect and awaken the wild dancer in you. Liberating structures designed for freedom and unity.


In-Person Event

Men and Women

Twice a month

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Dancing Poet: Performance, Talk and Dance

Dancing Poet is an opportunity to bathe in the medicine of Keef's poetry and to hear performances from his forthcoming anthology - A Way With Words. It also serves as an introduction to the basic practices of this evolving body of work The Way of The Dancing Poet, which is also a forthcoming book. The Way of the Dancing Poet has been designed to support, inspire and elicit the awakening of your inner poet / artist.



Movement Medicine

Men and Women



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Daughters of the Moon Cabana- Sweat Lodge for Women

The central part of Daughters of the Moon offerings is Cabana- Purification Lodge for Women, where we cleanse and bless our womb spaces, portals of life and the energetic centres of our bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.


In-Person Event

Sweat Lodge

Women Only

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Man-Groove: Embodied Heart Medicine Online - taster event

ManGROOVE is a heart-centred embodied sharing circle and Movement Medicine practice for Men.



Men Only


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Power of Three

Discovery call and introducion to Whole Soul Mentoring and The Power of Three, 1-1 or small groups of 3




Men and Women



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PHOENIX -rEvolution -FREE discovery call

“The Phoenix is an invitation to rise from the ashes of your suffering and evolve a new story that brings dignity to who you are and strengthens your love for and therefore, action on behalf of, the web of life.” Ya’Acov Darling Khan. FREE online discovery call , Talk and Q&A with Keef about his Phoenix ONLINE programme approach.




Men and Women


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WILD HEART: Embodied Heart Medicine - taster event

Wild Heart is a heart-centred embodied sharing circle and Movement Medicine practice for closed, mixed groups - ONLINE


Men and Women

Movement Medicine

Sharing Circles



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Medicine Quest -Free discovery call

The purpose of this DISCOVERY CALL is to meet the guides and to have a Q&A with Keef and Rebecca to discover what is involved in this deep immersion into nature and your own nature. MEDICINE QUEST: A Movement Medicine and Vision Quest Ceremony, guided by Rebecca Card & Keef Wesolowski-Miles, 20th - 30th August 2025- Dartmoor, England ,UK



Men and Women



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Dancing with Death. Burial Ceremony- FREE discovery call

The purpose of this DISCOVERY CALL is to meet the guides and to have a Q&A with Keef and Aluna to discover what is involved in this profound ceremonial immersionDANCING WITH DEATH: Burial Ceremony, Movement Medicine, Cabana Sweat Lodge and more. Guided by Aluna & Keef Wesolowscy-Miles, 3rd-7th September, Wales, UK




Men and Women


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Man- Groove: Long Weekend Immersion

Shamanic Immersion for Men


Men Only

In-Person Event



Movement Medicine

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Full of Seeds- foundational immersion

This is foundational level immersion into The Way of the Dancing Poet.



Men and Women

In-Person Event

Movement Medicine

Sweat Lodge

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Medicine Quest -Free discovery call 2

The purpose of this DISCOVERY CALL is to meet the guides and to have a Q&A with Keef and Rebecca to discover what is involved in this deep immersion into nature and your own nature. MEDICINE QUEST: A Movement Medicine and Vision Quest Ceremony, guided by Rebecca Card & Keef Wesolowski-Miles, 20th - 30th August 2025- Dartmoor, England ,UK



Men and Women



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Medicine Quest: Movement Medicine and Vision Quest Ceremony

In this 11 day ceremony you will experience a deep dive into the underworld through dance and movement, as well as other preparatory and integrating practices with the land and the other-than-humans. This, we hope, will serve as a catalyst for the shift in consciousness needed for the human-to-earth awakening. It will provide a space to travel to the depths of yourself and has the potential for something more authentic and unique to be unearthed through 4 days and nights in ceremony with the land and Mystery.




Men and Women

Movement Medicine


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Dancing With Death

Dancing with Death is an opportunity for recapitulation, a chance to revisit and clean up our personal history, which includes the stories of many generations of our linages back in time. It is the process of reclaiming energy that is locked up in those past events and interactions. It is opportunity to find peace, acceptance, forgiveness; to take responsibility and offer apology, gratitude and prayers for all beings everywhere. Ultimately it is an invitation to fully say YES to this one precious life and an invocation of Death specifically as an ally, a benevolent friend.


In-Person Event

Movement Medicine

Sweat Lodge

Men and Women


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