Medicine Quest: Movement Medicine and Vision Quest Ceremony

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20th - 30th August 2025

Dartmoor, Devon, England

Guided by Rebecca Card & Keef Wesolowski-Miles

This is a collaboration with Awakening the Wild & Nature Wisdom

In this 11 day ceremony you will experience a rare opportunity to dive deeply into the underworld through dance and movement, as well as other preparatory and integrating practices with the land and the other-than-humans. This, we hope, will serve as a catalyst for the shift in consciousness needed for the human-to-earth awakening ~ something greatly missing in the dominant culture from which most of us come.  It will provide a space to travel to the depths of yourself and has the potential for something more authentic and unique to be unearthed through 4 days and nights in ceremony with the land and Mystery.

During this journey you will be working alongside two experienced Guides - Rebecca Card and Keef Wesolowski-Miles. Rebecca is deeply immersed in the body of work developed by Bill Plotkin and Animas Valley Institute and Keef lives and breathes the core practices and advanced processes of Movement Medicine. Medicine Quest is a meeting of two powerful bodies of work, merging together to support deep soul immersion in nature and authentic human transformation

Throughout our time together we will explore the core Movement Medicine practices with the intention of deeply resourcing ourselves for the Medicine Quest. This will enable us to travel what Keef calls ‘the arc of integrity’ - from preparation through process and into integration - with grounded focus and embodied awareness. In addition to this we will work with the Awakening The Wild practice WILD MOVEMENT, to bring somatic aliveness to the Wild Mind Map, deepening our embodiment and capacity to live the landscape of our being through the lens of these maps. Wild Movement is an embodiment practice, specifically designed for exploring the landscape of our being and the world in which we walk through the lens of the Wild Mind map(s).

The Quest 

Often called Vision Quest, this Medicine Quest invites a descent to support participants to die to an old way of life, necessary for the shift in consciousness to find the new. It is a rare opportunity to cross a threshold and mark a transition. These ceremonies are often enacted when we find ourselves at a crossroads in our lives. The life we have been living no longer fits, it’s time to move on but we don’t yet know what we are moving towards or who will be moving towards it.


These quest ceremonies require that you move out of the realm of comfort and familiarity. For the 4 days and nights you will be invited to go without food, though this is not prescriptive. Drinking water and having a simple shelter is part of the ceremony as a way of supporting this psycho-spiritual death process as it allows us to become more permeable to the elements and the cycles of life and death within the natural world. It also creates the conditions through which we empty out and get to the bare bones of ourselves, to unearth more of who we really are beneath the everyday layers of conditioning. Thus, we become more available to Mystery and soul, and what wants to be revealed to us at this time.


Many of our roles, relationships and social groups will need to be let go of in order to inhabit the liminal realm for a time - and often beyond and outside of the focused time in ceremony. In many instances this will be a ‘leaving home’ moment, or a dying to the psycho-spiritually adolescent life stage (which persists for many of us way beyond our teens) so that we can mature more fully and be in service to Life from that place.

There is a necessary undoing that’s needed in order for the habitual self and our ‘parts’, who’ve been running the show, to come to a different perspective inwardly. Often much healing and wholing is needed, as well as enactment of powerful dream images or beings from the deep imagination. Encounters with the wild others, or connecting with your deepest longing can all support this undoing.

This offering is designed to support modern humans to leave behind our conditioning with modernity that encourages a quick fix and a short process that conveniently fits into our busy lives.  Rather, it is an invitation into a long process that starts when you say ‘yes’.  Our experience tells us that starting the process as early as possible gives the initiate maximum time to prepare for the threshold crossing.  How you prepare is everything and the time given to preparation is commensurate to what you will likely get out of it.  The ceremony starts when you commit.

In addition, the ceremonies we are offering are not following any particular tradition and, whilst following a particular arc is followed in order for participants to prepare for the solo time and back out again the other side, we are always listening-in for what is needed given the participants present, the actual, real-time circumstances, the weather and the place and beings we’re relating with.

Movement Medicine ® 

Movement Medicine ® is a body based movement meditation practice that will reconnect you to the wisdom of living from the heart, the joy of knowing who you are and the satisfaction of making your unique contribution to life. It will deepen your connection to yourself, your creativity and the integrity and guidance of your own soul.

Through this intimate journey you will gather fundamental embodiment tools and resources from Movement Medicine and many other shamanic, somatic, nature based and soul-centric practices. You will work, play and pray with the raw materials of your life that are emergent for you each step of the way.


Read about Rebecca here

Read about Keef here

Invitations to discovery calls

6 March 7-8.00 pm (GMT) - via Zoom

29 May 7-8.00pm (GMT) - via Zoom

The Exchange

The exchange includes camping and food as well as a follow up call 1 month after the ceremony.

It is strongly recommended that each person also books and receives a minimum of 3 mentoring sessions prior to the quest. Receiving more is ideal.  Hourly mentoring sessions are offered on a sliding scale of £55/£65/£75.  In most cases you can choose from either of us who to have mentoring with. We will let you know if this isn’t possible.

Read about Sliding Scale, Payment Plans & Bursaries 

Our relationships with money are deeply entangled in the power-over paradigm we seek to help compost. We long to offer our work in the spirit of mutual generosity – and as a calling-in of abundance for all that which serves Life. We will offer more on this in our application form.

Stepping Stones to your Medicine Quest

Because this is such a powerful soul immersion it is not possible to simply book your place. We, Keef and Rebecca, have a duty of care to ensure that everything is place to ensure your and the groups safety and to optimise the transformation potential of this deep dive. Therefore there is a simple pathway to follow:

STEP-1 - email Keef -

If you have a preexisting relationship with either Keef or Rebecca you will be invited to either Step-2 or Step-3. If you don’t have a preexisting relationship with either of us, you will be invited to Step-2

STEP-2 - call with either Keef/ Rebecca

STEP-3 - application form

* If for any reason we reach the decision - in conversation with you - during the application process that this is not the right time we will be transparent and offer guidance for next steps

STEP-4 - BOOKING FORM and payment

STEP-5 - Medicine Quest


" Youwww! This was my very first experience such as this, and it was spectacular! Deeply profound, provocative and powerful. I accessed parts of my being that I have been unable to touch in the last 30 years of conventional talking therapy...the space felt extremely safe and sacred at all times, enabling me to open up and welcome in whatever feelings, both physical and emotional, arose in me. This feels like deeply important, life - changing work and I will return again. " James
Group Events

Man - Groove online

Experience the inspirational benefits of weekly sharing circles with a committed group of mutually supportive men focused on embodied, heart centred and soul centric living, whilst developing a personal Movement Medicine practice as a profound resource for physical and mental health and wellbeing. Designed to be accessible to all men, regardless of experience or background. This is an invitation to journey deeply together, to work, play and pray together.

Men Only

Movement Medicine



Sharing Circles

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Nurturing Massage for Women

Relax - Nurture - Harmonise. These sessions are specifically designed for women, who recognise their need to restore balance to the body's energy system and to receive a deep nourishment, nurturing attention and caring presence.


Women Only

In-Person Event

Learn more

ReSource: Essential Elements of Movement Medicine

Movement Medicine® is a body based movement meditation practice that will reconnect you to the wisdom of living from the heart, the joy of knowing who you are and the satisfaction of making your unique contribution to life. During this 6 month intensive course you will have the opportunity to address what is calling for attention in your life - in your body-heart-mind and your past-present future. It will deepen your connection to yourself, your creativity and the integrity and guidance of your own soul. Wholeness is the invocation, healing is the outcome.


Men and Women

Movement Medicine

Sharing Circles


In-Person Event

Learn more

Honey Pot -discovery package

4 online TASTER WORKSHOPS and 4 FREE DISCOVERY TALKS . HONEY POT is a 'discovery package' that gives you 'access all areas' at a significantly reduced price.


Men and Women


Learn more

Space to Dance - Abergavenny 22th Feb

Eclectic music, partly guided, sober space to dance, connect and awaken the wild dancer in you. Liberating structures designed for freedom and unity.


In-Person Event

Men and Women

Twice a month

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Dancing Poet: Performance, Talk and Dance

Dancing Poet is an opportunity to bathe in the medicine of Keef's poetry and to hear performances from his forthcoming anthology - A Way With Words. It also serves as an introduction to the basic practices of this evolving body of work The Way of The Dancing Poet, which is also a forthcoming book. The Way of the Dancing Poet has been designed to support, inspire and elicit the awakening of your inner poet / artist.



Movement Medicine

Men and Women



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Daughters of the Moon Cabana- Sweat Lodge for Women

The central part of Daughters of the Moon offerings is Cabana- Purification Lodge for Women, where we cleanse and bless our womb spaces, portals of life and the energetic centres of our bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.


In-Person Event

Sweat Lodge

Women Only

Learn more

Man-Groove: Embodied Heart Medicine Online - taster event

ManGROOVE is a heart-centred embodied sharing circle and Movement Medicine practice for Men.



Men Only


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Power of Three

Discovery call and introducion to Whole Soul Mentoring and The Power of Three, 1-1 or small groups of 3




Men and Women



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PHOENIX -rEvolution -FREE discovery call

“The Phoenix is an invitation to rise from the ashes of your suffering and evolve a new story that brings dignity to who you are and strengthens your love for and therefore, action on behalf of, the web of life.” Ya’Acov Darling Khan. FREE online discovery call , Talk and Q&A with Keef about his Phoenix ONLINE programme approach.




Men and Women


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WILD HEART: Embodied Heart Medicine - taster event

Wild Heart is a heart-centred embodied sharing circle and Movement Medicine practice for closed, mixed groups - ONLINE


Men and Women

Movement Medicine

Sharing Circles



Learn more

Medicine Quest -Free discovery call

The purpose of this DISCOVERY CALL is to meet the guides and to have a Q&A with Keef and Rebecca to discover what is involved in this deep immersion into nature and your own nature. MEDICINE QUEST: A Movement Medicine and Vision Quest Ceremony, guided by Rebecca Card & Keef Wesolowski-Miles, 20th - 30th August 2025- Dartmoor, England ,UK



Men and Women



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Dancing with Death. Burial Ceremony- FREE discovery call

The purpose of this DISCOVERY CALL is to meet the guides and to have a Q&A with Keef and Aluna to discover what is involved in this profound ceremonial immersionDANCING WITH DEATH: Burial Ceremony, Movement Medicine, Cabana Sweat Lodge and more. Guided by Aluna & Keef Wesolowscy-Miles, 3rd-7th September, Wales, UK




Men and Women


Learn more

Man- Groove: Long Weekend Immersion

Shamanic Immersion for Men


Men Only

In-Person Event



Movement Medicine

Learn more

Full of Seeds- foundational immersion

This is foundational level immersion into The Way of the Dancing Poet.



Men and Women

In-Person Event

Movement Medicine

Sweat Lodge

Learn more

Medicine Quest -Free discovery call 2

The purpose of this DISCOVERY CALL is to meet the guides and to have a Q&A with Keef and Rebecca to discover what is involved in this deep immersion into nature and your own nature. MEDICINE QUEST: A Movement Medicine and Vision Quest Ceremony, guided by Rebecca Card & Keef Wesolowski-Miles, 20th - 30th August 2025- Dartmoor, England ,UK



Men and Women



Learn more

Medicine Quest: Movement Medicine and Vision Quest Ceremony

In this 11 day ceremony you will experience a deep dive into the underworld through dance and movement, as well as other preparatory and integrating practices with the land and the other-than-humans. This, we hope, will serve as a catalyst for the shift in consciousness needed for the human-to-earth awakening. It will provide a space to travel to the depths of yourself and has the potential for something more authentic and unique to be unearthed through 4 days and nights in ceremony with the land and Mystery.




Men and Women

Movement Medicine


Learn more

Dancing With Death

Dancing with Death is an opportunity for recapitulation, a chance to revisit and clean up our personal history, which includes the stories of many generations of our linages back in time. It is the process of reclaiming energy that is locked up in those past events and interactions. It is opportunity to find peace, acceptance, forgiveness; to take responsibility and offer apology, gratitude and prayers for all beings everywhere. Ultimately it is an invitation to fully say YES to this one precious life and an invocation of Death specifically as an ally, a benevolent friend.


In-Person Event

Movement Medicine

Sweat Lodge

Men and Women


Learn more
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