Daughters of the Moon Cabana- Sweat Lodge for Women

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1st of March, 1-10pm , Wales near Brecon.

Private location, details will be sent after booking.


Sisters, let's meet around a fire, under the stars and Rising Moon celebrating sisterhood; sharing and witnessing our held stories, bringing songs and drumbeats for healing and transformation; invoking our dreams and intentions, nourishment, radical self-love and care.

For the main journey of the ritual, we will enter Cabana which symbolises the womb of the Great Mother, while in this safe and loving embrace of her we will have the opportunity to go through our re-birth; we will cleanse and bless our womb spaces- the centres of our bodies: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual; touching on memories from or lives and ancestral times, which are stuck in our bodies and are calling for our attention, care and love.

Cabana is so so generous , if we just open ourselves to go through the portal and receive her love.

No experience necessary. You are welcome just as you are.

What is Cabana?

The central part of Daughters of the Moon offerings is Cabana - Purification Lodge for Women Ceremony, where we cleanse and bless our womb spaces, portals of life and the energetic centres of our bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The medicine of Cabana -Sweat Lodge is rooted in the lineage of the Great Mother and the Four Elements, initiated and passed by shaman XamAM Alba Maria, Terra Mirim, Brazil.

This is an invitation for women to enter the womb of the Great Mother, our source, the centre of creation and destruction, to purify and bless our own womb spaces, the spaces, where beneath the surface of learned and lived stories lies the treasure of our creativity, intuition, dreams, wisdom and truth. The medicine of Cabana supports us in cleansing our memories from contamination, releasing what is blocking us, re-programming ourselves. She helps us to reclaim our original imprints and to remember our feminine origin, to touch our essence, so we can fully incarnate in this life on Earth as women, taking our place, manifesting our souls' dreams and purposes.

This is an ancient ritual where we are tapping into the ancestral wisdom of our grandparents; the human ones and the elemental: the earth, the water, the fire, the air.

​Cabana is also referred to as Grandmother Spider, who works on the web of healing, weaving the threads of our destiny. She is very generous to those who are open to receiving and going through the portal of possibilities that she opens for us in our bodies, hearts, minds and souls.

You can immerse yourself in the river after the cleanse in the Sweat Lodge and the herbal bath will further sanctify this experience, as we receive the energy of the plants and the sacred waters of life, that will wash over our bodies, clarify our minds, open our hearts.


We support and celebrate the movement of sisterhood and welcome a deeper connection with other women, whilst co-creating a safe and sacred space where we can call ourselves and one another home. We seek inspiration and encouragement to pursue our dreams in this precious life, we ask to be seen, heard and held by a group of sisters, drawn to a sense of compassion and collaboration.  

During our gathering together we will be also invited to bring our awareness and reflect upon what is emergent, our feelings, experiences and their impact on our lives in the present moment. Together we might unpack the life stories that have created our wounds, through sharing and embodied listening.

What to expect?

  • Welcoming circle
  • Taking care of our temples
  • Dynamic/Intentions
  • Songs and mantras by the fire
  • Holding circle- sharing and listening
  • Sweat lodge - purification and blessing of our womb spaces; spiritual communion
  • River wash
  • Herbal & Water blessing
  • Closing and integration
  • Food fiesta and celebration by the fire

After the booking you will receive an email with details about how to get to us and 'what to bring' list.


Photographs by Nikoletta Manioc

The land that will hold us near Brecon in Wales is absolutely stunning, with acres of woodland, a river flowing through, rolling hills and breath taking views of the Brecon Beacons and Black Mountains in the surrounding areas. The nature is so alive here! When we open to hear her whispers and to receive the touch of the elements, we are guided and nourished, we recognise that there is really no separation between ourselves and her, as we are nature and nature is us. We will have an opportunity to strengthen this connection, to cross the veil of the inner and outer space.  Mother Earth will be our guide. 


It is a day event only, however we highly recommend to take the opportunity of immersing yourself in the arms of this wonderful land of Tir Ferryll and to stay overnight, to rest and integrate the experience, before heading back home.

Camping is available, as well as 2 rooms in the house to accommodate 4 people- one double room and one twin room and a shepherd hut.

Please, contact us if you require more information.

" Youwww! This was my very first experience such as this, and it was spectacular! Deeply profound, provocative and powerful. I accessed parts of my being that I have been unable to touch in the last 30 years of conventional talking therapy...the space felt extremely safe and sacred at all times, enabling me to open up and welcome in whatever feelings, both physical and emotional, arose in me. This feels like deeply important, life - changing work and I will return again. " James
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Movement Medicine

Men and Women



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Daughters of the Moon Cabana- Sweat Lodge for Women

The central part of Daughters of the Moon offerings is Cabana- Purification Lodge for Women, where we cleanse and bless our womb spaces, portals of life and the energetic centres of our bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.


In-Person Event

Sweat Lodge

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Men and Women



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In-Person Event

Movement Medicine

Sweat Lodge

Men and Women


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