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PHOENIX rEVOLUTION: Revelation, Transformation, Resurrection
Free discovery call- Talk and Q&A
27 Mar 2025. 7-8.30 pm (GMT)
Phoenix rEvolution: Revelation, Transformation, Resurrection is a Movement Medicine Immersion with Keef Wesolowski-Miles.
This one is online and is usually offered as Part 3 of Keef's Power of 3 Whole Soul Mentoring Programme. As well as offering his usual groups of 3, he is also offering an online course for a small group of 9 (dates tbc)
This Discovery Call is an opportunity to find out more about the programme and the reasons for working in this way with intimate groups and to discover if it is a good fit for you.
3 Key Distinctive Aspects of this course
ONE - Intimate Group working together over 10 weeks
TWO - The Arc of Integrity: Preparation, Process, Integration. Journeying over a longer time period with this work can facilitate a deepening of the integration of this work. Intense on line courses are great, in the room retreats are powerful. This is simply another way of working that Keef has found to be very effective.
THREE - The Bridge between Incantation and Incarnation is Repetition. Working in this way gives an abundance of opportunity to practice The Phoenix Process multiple times and plenty of time to practices and integrate the medicine into our day-to-day lives with the support of a committed group of allies.
“The Phoenix is an invitation to rise from the ashes of your suffering and evolve a new story that brings dignity to who you are and strengthens your love for and therefore, action on behalf of, the web of life.”
Ya’Acov Darling Khan
More about Phoenix process:
As the core work and central icon of Movement Medicine practice Phoenix is grounded in ancient somatic wisdom, deep Gestalt therapeutic principles and the latest neuroscience. It is designed to bring you into a whole new level of awareness, understanding and compassion for core beliefs, deep seated emotions and behaviours that can have a profound impact on your life. This profound work can enable you to assume responsibility for and commitment to living your life in alignment with your deepest purpose.
The ground will be Belonging, Respect and Encouragement.
The intention will be Revelation, Transformation and Resurrection.
The medicine will be Movement, Shamanism and Community.
Whilst it is designed to be catalytic and transformative it is also intended to be a profoundly nourishing immersion into nature, nurture and ultimately our own true natures. It will invite a maturing evolution, a love revolution, in which we gather the tools and resources to embrace our wholeness and retrieve and alchemise our golden gifts that are hidden in the shadows and the wounded parts of our life stories.
We understand that Acceptance, Intention, Gratitude, Forgiveness and Celebration are Golden Keys to a Love rEVOLUTION and that Patience, Resilience, Presence, Humility, Discernment and Discipline are required to harness our innate power and creativity as blessings and gifts to ourselves, each other, our communities, ancestors/ descendants and all of life.
The Phoenix Process was developed by the Founders of Movement Medicine, Ya'Acov & Susannah Darling Khan. It is designed to “catalyse you into a new level of embodied awareness, enabling you to assume more responsibility for your life. You will be guided to see your whole life as a creative project and all that you carry within you as potential medicine for being who you are and giving what you’ve got. The Phoenix Process is a trauma aware soul retrieval and development process. It will help you to shift the balance of power inside yourself as you discover that for the soul, all that you carry within you is potential medicine for being who you are and giving what you’ve got.
“Past wounds can become potent medicine for us to live genuinely meaningful and creative lives or, they can be an undermining and powerful poison that saps the sense of soul from our lives. Difficult as it may sometimes seem, the key to our own freedom (sometimes called choice), is always inside our own pockets. Phoenix Rising invokes the power of phoenix medicine which can help you with this choice. Moving through the cycle of life, death and rebirth, you will access potent tools for daily life that will strengthen your resilience and cultivate your presence. You will be guided to find a space of refuge inside you where you can reconnect with the wildness and power of ‘nature unbroken’ within you and around you. This place reminds us of the mystery of life and helps us to navigate through it.
The phoenix is the central icon of Movement Medicine practice. It invites us to participate in the healing that is necessary for us to make the impossible possible, one step at a time. Whatever our individual and tribal wounds, we all have within us the power to overcome them and become part of a growing new story in which we recognise ourselves and each other as part of one global human family, all of us part of the web of life on which we all depend.”
Ya’Acov Darling-Khan
This is part of a series of 3 online TASTER WORKSHOPS and 5 FREE DISCOVERY TALKS that Keef is offering to introduce various aspects of his work.
HONEY POT is a 'discovery package' that gives you 'access all areas' at a significantly reduced price.
The sessions will work as follows:
4 x £15 each and 4x FREE or HONEY POT ' for all 8 FOR £45
Please book you place, including the FREE sessions as spaces are limited.
Full details of all of these events can be found on his website and in separate events on here and can be booked individually or as part of this package.
DANCING POET: Performance, Talk and Dance - Thursday 27th Feb 1900-2030 (GMT)
VISION (MEDICINE) QUEST: Discovery Call FREE - Thursday 6th March 1900-2000 (GMT) and Thursday 29th May 1900-2000 (GMT)
MAN-GROOVE: Embodied Heart Medicine - Wednesday 12th March 1900-2030 (GMT)
POWER OF 3 MENTORING: Discovery - Thursday 13th March 1900-2030 (GMT)
PHOENIX rEVOLution: Discovery Call FREE - Thursday 27th March (GMT)
WILD HEART: Embodied Heart Medicine (mixed) - Thursday 3rd April 1900-2030 (GMT)
THE WAY OF THE DANCING POET - Course Discovery Call FREE Thursday 10th April 1900-2030 (GMT)
BURIAL (Dancing with Death):Discovery Call FREE - Thursday 10th April 1900-2000 (GMT)